Featured image illustrating a step-by-step guide on syncing monday.com to Salesforce through Unito, depicted by the connected logos through circles and dotted lines.
How To Set up a 2-Way monday.com-Salesforce Integration
Featured image illustrating a step-by-step guide on syncing monday.com to Salesforce through Unito, depicted by the connected logos through circles and dotted lines.

How To Set up a 2-Way monday.com-Salesforce Integration

This guide will show you how to set up a simple 2-way monday→Salesforce integration between your boards and projects. You can use this guide to sync Salesforce tasks, opportunities or contacts to monday.com items or tasks. We’ll be using Unito’s no-code 2-way integration for Salesforce and monday.com which can either be set up in Unito Sync Platform or embedded directly from your monday.com board

The benefit of Unito is that it’s designed for non-technical users, so anyone on your team can set it up in minutes without needing to code. It’s also the leading integration platform on the market with 2-way sync and real-time automated updates between tools.

Here’s what our Salesforce and monday.com windows look like after syncing our opportunities and tasks in Unito:

Screenshot of a Salesforce opportunity synced to a monday.com board with Unito's 2-way sync integration
Salesforce opportunites, tasks, and contacts can sync over to monday.com with real-time 2-way updates. You can also sync monday.com tasks or items back to Salesforce.

Although Wrike and monday.com are vastly different, both are powerful project management tools in their own right. Here’s a demo between Wrike and Salesforce to give you a sense of how Unito can align opportunities with tasks in other tools:

In this article:

Before we connect monday.com and Salesforce to Unito

Add Unito to your monday.com workspace

Click here for instructions on how to add Unito to your monday.com workspace.
  1. Login to your monday.com account
  2. Then, select Board Power-Ups > Apps Marketplace
  3. Type Unito in the search field
  4. Click on the Unito app, then Add to your account
  5. Now, hit Install, verify your workspace and board and Add Feature
  6. Authorize monday.com then Authorize again (the first button authorizes monday.com in Unito, while the second authorizes Unito in monday.com)
  7. Click Got it.

Step 1. Connect a monday.com board and Salesforce organization to Unito

  1. Continue from monday.com or navigate to the Unito App and select +Create Flow.
  2. Select Start Here to connect your monday.com board and Salesforce.
  3. Choose the accounts you want to connect.
  4. When you connect each tool for the first time, make sure to authorize your accounts in Unito in order for data to sync properly.
  5. Specify which account, board, and project you wish to sync through Unito.
Screenshot of syncing a Salesforce organization to a monday.com board with the title Sales Tasks
In our demo we synced opportunities from Salesforce to another team working in monday.com

When you’re ready, click Confirm.

Here’s more information about authorizing your accounts in Unito.

Step 2. Tell Unito where to create new tasks, opportunities or contacts automatically

Flow direction tells Unito where to create new work items (e.g., tasks, opportunities, or contacts). Pick a source and destination tool with the directional arrows. Whenever you manually create a task in the source tool, Unito will automatically create a synced task in the destination and keep both up-to-date in real-time.

In our demo, we’ve set a one-way sync from Salesforce to monday.com so that new or historical opportunities from Salesforce will then be created in monday.com automatically. But unrelated monday items or tasks won’t appear back in Salesforce.

Step 3. Set rules to filter data between Salesforce and monday.com

Unito lets you specify exactly which items (tasks, opportunities, etc.) to keep in sync between monday.com and Salesforce.

You can apply rules using “if this, then that” logic to only sync data based on any field you choose, including: stage name, assignee, labels, even your custom fields.

Setting rules in Unito to sync Salesforce opportunities to monday as tasks or items
If you’re syncing Salesforce Opportunities, you could follow the example above and filter by stage. In our case, any opportunities that are in negotiation/review will be synced so our support team can jump in.

In the above example, only Salesforce opportunities from Sales Leads with any of the stage names listed above will sync over to monday.com. From monday.com, they will appear in our default group: Client ABC. Presumably, these are opportunities related to a single client or entity, though obviously every use case is different and you can configure according to your needs.

Tips for setting rules

Fields with single or multiple-select options (e.g., labels or assignee) are best since Unito can identify them all.

Variable fields with infinite options can only be set to “any” or “empty” triggers, which means if the field has any value in it, it will sync and won’t if it doesn’t.

Here we’ve created a monday.com board specifically to receive tasks from Salesforce users. We called it “Incoming from CRM” so our support team can identify those tasks easily.

As you can see above, you can also tell Unito where to put those newly-synced work items as soon as they appear in your other tool.

Find out more about setting rules.

Next, you’ll pick the specific fields to sync between your items. You’re effectively choosing individual relationships between fields in monday.com and Salesforce (e.g., you’ll sync labels, task names, assignees between tools).

If you select Auto-map, Unito will pre-populate a template of suggested field mappings which you can then adapt to your use case. Otherwise you can start from scratch.

Your fields can be automatically mapped for two-way updates, but you can adjust them as needed.

You can click + Add mapping to sync new pairs of fields between monday.com and Salesforce. To do so, click Select a field. After you’ve chosen a field in the first board, Unito will suggest compatible matches in the second after you click on the drop-down menu.

Here’s a basic set of field mappings between these tools:

In our demo we’ve chosen a few basic, yet relevant details to sync from Salesforce to monday.com so our support team gets a sense of what’s needed without additional context.

Sync custom fields to maximize your flow’s potential

Unito truly shines when you sync custom fields between tools. No other integration or automation solution on the market offers as much room for flexibility and personalization as our 2-way sync platform.

Here’s an example of a more in-depth field mapping table between Salesforce and ClickUp with custom fields:

Screenshot of a field mapping table between monday.com and Salesforce with custom fields applied to sync between tools
Every field pairing with a blue icon indicates a custom field that was created for the Unito flow pictured above. If you can’t find a native field you’d like to sync in your tool of choice, make a custom field and we can sync it!

You can even sync custom fields with drop-down menus. In the example below, you can see a “Project Type” custom field that was created to sync between monday.com and Salesforce:

Screenshot of a "Project Type" custom field that was created to sync between monday.com and Salesforce with Unito

Hit Confirm to proceed.

Find out more about setting field mappings.

Step 5. Launch your monday.com Salesforce integration

And that’s it! You’ve just completed our walkthrough to connect Salesforce with monday.com to sync tasks, opportunities, or contacts with Unito. Now your Salesforce data will get synced to monday.com and vice-versa! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team by clicking the little chat box in the lower-right corner of your screen.

What’s next after integrating Salesforce and monday.com with Unito?

Duplicate this flow to sync more tasks, opportunities, or contacts between Salesforce and monday.com. Or you can connect monday.com boards with a range of other tools including:

If you found this guide useful, you can find similar articles on how to sync:

Want to try this for yourself?

Try Unito for 14 days, absolutely free.

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FAQ: Salesforce→monday integration

Why sync Salesforce opportunities to monday.com?

The quick, easy answer is: to stop copy-pasting details between opportunities, contacts, and tasks yourself and keep apps automatically up-to-date in real-time. Building automated workflows between these tools saves time and allows your teams to put more of their efforts into mission-critical tasks instead of data entry.

  • Send opportunity details from your CRM to a project management tool to get support from teams in other tools.
  • Consolidate contact details from various apps to a master source of truth in your CRM; or update those other apps with your master data – and keep it that way with a live 2-way sync.
  • Assign tasks from Salesforce to a freelancer in monday.com (or vice versa) without giving up access to the rest of your CRM.

Unito keeps your data encrypted from end-to-end

We understand how valuable your data is, which is why we take pride in being SOC 2 Type 2 certified and GDPR compliant. Your data is fully encrypted from end to end whenever you sync with Unito. Here’s more information about Unito’s security policies.

What else does Salesforce integrate with?

Using Unito’s integration for Salesforce, you can integrate your favorite sales pipeline tool with the rest of your tool stack, like:

What other tools does monday.com integrate with?

With Unito’s integration for monday.com, you can integrate your favorite project management tool with the rest of your tool stack, like: