Josh Goldberg

Josh is Unito's Senior Content Strategist responsible for developing documentation, guides, and demo videos. He works daily in many of the tools Unito supports, including: Asana, HubSpot, Airtable, Trello, Google Sheets, Miro, Slack and others. He has over 10 years of experience writing B2C content for ad agencies, as well as 5 years of experience writing B2B content in the tech industry. A dedicated father of two young human children, his favorite pastime is sleep, if and when he can get it.

How to Connect Salesforce to Smartsheet Easily With 2-Way Updates

This tutorial will show you how to connect Salesforce objects to Smartsheet that works as effectively for one user as it does scaling for larger teams. The end goal here is to set up a […]

How to Connect Salesforce and ServiceNow with a Configurable, No-Code 2-Way Flow

Here’s how to configure a no-code 2-way flow that turns Salesforce cases into ServiceNow incidents and back without scripts or spokes.

Featured image displaying the logos of Jira and HubSpot in Unito's guide to setting up a simple Two-Way Sync

How to Sync HubSpot Jira Cloud Automatically with 2-Way Updates

In this walkthrough, you’ll learn how to sync HubSpot tickets deals, or tasks with Jira issues through Unito’s two-way integration.

How to Sync Azure DevOps Zendesk with 2-Way Updates

Here’s how to quickly turn Zendesk tickets into Azure DevOps work items and back with 2-way updates that sync in real-time as you work!

How to Sync Trello Cards to Smartsheet with 2-Way Sync

It’s easy for anyone to populate Smartsheet with Trello data and back through a fast no-code integration that enables 2-way updates.

How to Set Up 2-Way Sync Between Asana and Smartsheet

Here’s how to sync Smartsheet to Asana and back with a simple, secure no-code, 2-way integration that can be set up in 10 minutes.

An illustration of a woman standing by a calendar,

How to Share a Google Calendar With Your Team (2 Methods)

Scheduling meetings of any kind without a shared calendar can be a pain. Learn how to skip the back and forth with a smarter, synced Google Calendar.

How to Set Up a GitLab Asana Integration With Automated 2-Way Updates

Learn how to sync GitLab issues to Asana tasks and back with Unito’s automated, no-code, 2-way integration for project management.

A logo for Miro, representing a guide on how to export Miro boards.

How to Easily Export a Miro Board and Cards (2 Methods)

Getting your cards out of Miro and into the project management tool of your choice is essential to getting your projects underway. Here are two ways you can do that.

How to Track Issues Between Jira and GitLab Automatically With 2-Way Sync

Here’s how to track issues between GitHub and Jira with real-time updates whenever changes occur from end-to-end through 2-way sync.

ServiceNow Integration Hub or Unito: A Deep Dive for IT Decision-Makers

Here’s a breakdown of key features and functionality of Integration Hub and Unito, as well as when it makes sense to use one or the other.