How to Integrate Salesforce Asana with Automated 2-Way Updates

How to Integrate Salesforce Asana with Automated 2-Way Updates

So you’ve got a sales team in Salesforce with creatives or marketers managing projects in Asana. How do they collaborate and manage the pre-sales and sales cycles? Or alternatively, what if your support team handles case intake from Salesforce but then needs to assign work based on those cases through Asana? Maybe there’s a project manager jumping between both tools, maybe you’ve got automation figured out with a couple of triggers and actions to share work 1-way, or everyone is just sharing context in Slack and updating their own tasks accordingly. None of these options are ideal, especially not for a growing organization with hundreds or thousands of tasks to keep track of.

Instead, let’s look at how you can quickly sync Asana and Salesforce bi-directionally with a simple 2-way flow that anyone can set up in minutes. Use it to align sales and marketing strategies, simplify a post-merger workflow, or simply enhance communication and productivity.

By the end of this guide, you’ll be able to easily connect any Salesforce object (included standard objects and custom) with Asana, and vice versa – saving time, reducing manual error (and effort!), while driving business success.

Although Wrike and Asana are different tools, you can get a sense of how this integration works in our demo between Salesforce and another leading project management tool:

In this article:

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Use case overview

You’ll be connecting Asana and Salesforce with Unito’s flow builder. A flow represents the connection between your Salesforce organization and a single Asana project. There are countless ways to keep your data in sync, so our guide will focus on a sales and pre-sales workflow. Feel free to adapt anything here to suit your use case and solve common issue, from consolidating marketing intake processes to automating task creation for new sales accounts and more.

By following these steps, you’ll be able to seamlessly integrate Asana and Salesforce and streamline your workflow.

Optimizing a sales and pre-sales workflow with Unito

The challenge: sales info in silos

  • The sales team uses Salesforce to manage accounts, while the creative team uses Asana for project management. This leads to communication gaps and delays.

The solution: break down silos with 2-way sync

  1. Connect Accounts and Projects: Linking Salesforce accounts to Asana projects allows the sales team to see the progress of creative work associated with each account.
  2. Automate task creation and dispatching: When a new opportunity appears in Salesforce, create a matching task in Asana, or vice versa. Tasks can include requests for sales collateral, designing marketing materials, or developing a social media strategy.
  3. Real-time updates: By linking fields with Unito, any manual changes in one app will automatically appear in the other. This keeps both teams informed and allows them to manage client expectations effectively.

Decoupling silos between support and case management

The challenge: working in Asana with intake in Salesforce

  • The support team receives case details in Salesforce, but those who resolve these issues prefer handling project management in Asana. So how do they collaborate effectively while updating customers in a timely way?

The solution: connecting support to the rest of the team in real-time

  • Sync Cases and Tasks: Linking Salesforce cases to Asana tasks ensures that the support team has visibility into customer issues and can prioritize their work accordingly.
  • Automate task creation and dispatching: When a new case is created in Salesforce, automatically create a corresponding task in Asana. This ensures that no customer issue slips through the cracks.
  • Real-time updates: By linking fields with Unito, any manual changes in one app will automatically appear in the other. For example, when a support agent updates the case status in Salesforce, the corresponding task in Asana will also be updated, keeping both teams informed.

Installation and Configuration Steps for Asana and Salesforce

The best part about Unito’s integrations is that there’s very little configuration required. All you need to do is set up your project in Asana and know which Salesforce objects you want to sync. Although this guide will demonstrate Unito’s integration between Asana tasks and Salesforce opportunities, you can adapt the steps within to also sync Salesforce tasks or Salesforce contacts, with support for cases coming soon!

Step 1. Connect Salesforce and Asana to Unito

  1. Navigate to the Unito App and +Create Flow.
  2. Click Start Here to connect your Asana project and Salesforce organization.
  3. Choose the accounts you want to connect.
  4. When you connect each tool for the first time, make sure to authorize both in Unito in order for your Salesforce objects and Asana tasks to sync properly.

Here is an example of our completed tool connection screen:

Integrate Salesforce Asana with Unito's 2-way sync
You’ll be syncing a single Salesforce Object to an Asana project so that all records of that object type appear as Asana tasks.

If you need to connect more Salesforce objects or Asana projects, you can simply duplicate this Unito flow when you’re finished, and modify accordingly.

Step 2. Set a flow direction between Asana and Salesforce

Flow direction tells Unito where to automatically create work items (tasks or objects) based on your manual activity: in Asana, Salesforce or both.

Integrate Salesforce Asana with Unito flow direction

In most cases, you probably want a one-way flow direction from Salesforce to Asana. So perhaps our sales team wants to dispatch tasks to the team in Asana as new opportunities come in. Or the support team wants to share case details with the team in Asana, but in either situation they don’t need the team in Asana sending them new objects.

Later, we can tell Unito to keep those work items in a 2-way, real-time sync.

Step 3. Exclude specific Asana tasks or Salesforce objects with Rules

Now we can set up rules to determine which triggers will send data between our tools. Select Add a new rule to establish your rules for each directional flow.

Case management rules

Setting rules in Unito to sync Salesforce and Asana data in real-time

NOTE: These rules are intended to help you keep only the most relevant information in sync to avoid oversharing unnecessary details. You can apply custom labels to your tasks or tasks to be even more precise about what kind of data is shared.

Sales opportunity rules

In this pre-sales workflow, any new opportunities in this Salesforce organization will automatically generate tasks in Asana in the Inbound Opportunities section/column:

In an example of a sales workflow, we’ve told Unito that the opportunity must also be in one of the 6 stages listed below and assigned to the account rep we’ve selected. The newly created Asana task will then appear in the Pre-Qual section/column:

collaborative planning and execution with Asana and Salesforce through Unito's rules

You can add filters based on most fields, although fields with single or multi-select choices (e.g., Salesforce stages) are especially effective.

Find out more about setting rules.

When you first open this screen, you’ll be presented with two options. If you select Auto-map, Unito will pre-populate a list of suggested field mappings which you can then adjust.

Now, select + Add mapping to sync additional fields. Then, click Select a field. After you’ve chosen a field in the first board, Unito will suggest compatible matches in the second after you click on the drop-down menu.

Here’s a look at our synced fields between a Salesforce case and Asana task:

And here’s an example of a field mapping table for our sales workflow:

linking fields between Asana tasks and Salesforce opportunities in Unito
A blue question mark indicates a custom field created by the user. Gear or cog icons indicate customizable field pairs that can be further modified (i.e., you can link specific statuses between apps on a 1:1 level).

Find out more about setting field mappings.

Step 5. Launch your Asana to Salesforce integration

And that’s it! That’s all you need to connect Salesforce with Asana to sync tasks, opportunities or contacts with Unito. Congratulations! If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team by clicking the little chat box in the lower-right corner of your screen.

What’s next after you sync Asana and Salesforce with Unito?

More about this Asana Salesforce Integration

Setting Up Triggers for New Deals

With this integration, you’ll be able to manage more deals efficiently. With this integration, you’ll be able to manage more deals efficiently. Unito, a cloud-based integration platform, simplifies the process of connecting Asana and Salesforce, allowing you to create custom, automated workflows that keep your teams in sync. Unito seamlessly connects Salesforce with Asana’s cloud-based software, allowing you to create custom, automated workflows that keep your teams in sync

Enhancing Collaboration: Asana and Salesforce for Cross Functional Teams

No Asana integration would be complete without the ability to seamlessly connect your tasks and projects with the essential tools your teams rely on for sales, marketing, and customer relationship management. Unito empowers teams to streamline their workflows by creating a 2-way Salesforce Asana connection.

What are the benefits of Unito’s 2-way Asana Salesforce integration?

  • Improved Communication: Sales and creative teams are better aligned, with real-time visibility into project progress.
  • Increased Efficiency: Automated task creation eliminates manual processes, reducing errors and saving time.
  • Enhanced Collaboration: Both teams can work in their preferred tools while ensuring seamless communication and collaboration.
Frequently asked questions about this Asana Salesforce integration (click to expand)

Frequently Asked Questions

Will integrating Asana with Salesforce automatically update my sales goals?

Yes, integrating Asana with Salesforce will automatically update your sales goals, reflecting real-time progress.

Does Unito handle automatic project creation to trigger Asana projects from Salesforce

Unito can’t automatically create new Asana projects, but it can automatically create tasks in your projects, located within sections/columns.

Can Unito manage task allocation between sales and post-sales teams?

Yes, the integration can automate task hand-offs between Sales and Post-Sales teams, streamlining the process and reducing manual work.

That said, customization is a cornerstone of efficiency. With an Asana custom template, you can tailor project outlines to fit your sales processes within Salesforce perfectly.

How does Unito improve sales cycle visibility?

This integration between Asana and Salesforce helps everyone involved follow progress on tasks and projects to better manage the sales cycle. With consistent data sharing, you can keep Asana updated based on Salesforce (or vice versa) in real-time, enabling informed decisions at every turn.

And if you ever need an immediate update, a manual sync option is at your fingertips, ensuring updated records.

Tracking progress within Salesforce classic

Even if you’re using Salesforce Classic, you don’t have to miss out. The Asana for Salesforce integration allows users of the Classic interface to keep a pulse on Asana task progress.

Ready to Sync Salesforce with Unito?

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