Genevieve Michaels

Genevieve Michaels is a freelance writer based in Vancouver. She started her career in the contemporary art world, and now specializes in long-form content writing, with a focus on B2B tech and software. She's written for brands including Atlassian, Hootsuite, Trello, Shopify, Thinkific, and Hubspot.
An illustration of a dashboard, representing a post about dashboard reporting.

What Is Dashboard Reporting?

With dashboard reporting, your teams can get real-time data on just about any part of their work. Here’s how.

A screenshot of an abacus with an upward arrow, representing marketing analytics.

The Best Examples of Marketing Reports and KPIs in 2024

Marketing reporting lets marketing teams use data to make better decisions, focus on the right initiatives, and get more results.

A screenshot of two people working at a desk, representing a project management consultant.

What Is a Project Management Consultant?

When you don’t have an in-house project manager, your team is used to managing projects themselves. But sometimes you need an expert. That’s when you bring in a project management consultant.

Logos for Airtable and Notion, representing a comparison of Airtable vs. Notion.

Airtable vs. Notion: Which Database Tool is Best for You?

When comparing Airtable and Notion, you need to know how big of a database you need and how customizable it has to be. Here’s the breakdown.

An illustration of a rocket in a snowglobe, representing the project management workflow.

What Is a Project Management Workflow?

A project management workflow is essential for keeping your projects in-scope and on-budget. Here’s how to build yours.

Two people passing a folder across a balcony, representing cross-functional collaboration.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: What It Is and Why Your Team Needs It

Cross-functional collaboration brings in people from different teams to work on the same project, like designers, developers, marketers, and more. Here’s how it changes the game.

Logos for Google Sheets and Excel, around the word "vs." representing a blog post comparing google sheets vs. excel.

Google Sheets vs. Excel: Which Spreadsheet Tool is Best for You?

Every team needs a spreadsheet tool, but how are you supposed to pick between the two kings? Here’s our breakdown of the Google Sheets vs. Excel match up.

Multiple people working together in different ways, representing a hybrid work schedule.

9 Ways to Make a Hybrid Schedule Work for You

Working both remotely and in the office? Here’s how you can make sure you — and your team — get the best of both worlds.

An illustration of a person pouring liquid into a giant flask, representing Google Sheets formulas.

Google Sheets Formulas: How They Work and Essential Examples

Google Sheets still a bit of a mystery to you? Here’s a breakdown of Google Sheets formulas, along with some must-know ones.

Two people collaborating on a chart, representing the best collaboration tools for project management.

The 5 Best Collaboration Tools for Project Management

No matter what kind of project you’re working on, you need a way to collaborate with people from the next desk over, from other departments, maybe even from across the world. Here are the best tools for doing that.

Swirls of vanilla and chocolate ice cream in a cone, representing application integration

What Is Application Integration and How Does It Work?

The right application integration keeps data flowing your software tools and closes the gap between your teams. But what is an integration? Are there multiple types? What will yours look like? Here’s all that and more.