An illustration of a woman consulting an oversized calendar.
The 9 Best Marketing Calendar Templates
An illustration of a woman consulting an oversized calendar.

The 9 Best Marketing Calendar Templates

If you’ve ever felt the dread that comes with realizing important tasks or deadlines have slipped through the cracks, you know firsthand just how invaluable a marketing calendar can be. With the number of projects, deliverables, deadlines, and individual stakeholders most marketers need to juggle, an effective marketing calendar is a must-have for staying on top of tasks and managing your time. 

While you could try to build a marketing calendar from scratch, why add another task to your plate? In this article, we’ve rounded up the nine best marketing calendar templates that have done the heavy lifting for you. Whether you’re planning promotional events or a month’s worth of content, these templates will save you time and energy so you can focus on actually working on your marketing strategies and hitting your goals. 

What is a marketing calendar template? 

A marketing calendar template is a pre-built digital document or spreadsheet where teams record key information related to projects, campaigns, or other corporate initiatives. While there are many different types of marketing calendar templates, most include space for basic information such as: 

  • Deadlines, timelines, and other important dates
  • Contributors, project owners, and stakeholders
  • Content types and channels involved
  • Deliverables
  • Notes
  • Status 

As a central place to capture this type of information, a marketing calendar template provides the structure for planning, organizing, visualizing, and tracking marketing activities over a designated timeline. When teams use a well-designed marketing calendar template to plan out their marketing strategy, they’re able to work together and collaborate more efficiently, stay organized and consistent, and ensure nothing is missed. 

The 9 best marketing calendar templates

Google Sheets event marketing timeline template

A screenshot of a marketing calendar template for Google Sheets.

With this free Google Sheets template, you can organize and manage all of the components of your event’s marketing campaign. It includes space for you to lay out all of your different marketing initiatives such as PR, social media marketing, web, any relevant market research, and more. As the template is pre-built with different phases for your campaign, it’s easy to plan out timelines by week — something that can help ensure everything (and every team member) stays on track.  

Zapier’s email marketing planner template

A screenshot of an email marketing calendar template from Zapier.

Zapier’s email marketing planner template helps you stay on top of your email campaigns, with space for information such as campaign name, email type, audience, send dates and times, subject lines, and more. Even if your business’ email team manages email in a separate or more technical program, this marketing calendar template improves visibility into email initiatives for everyone across the organization. This is helpful when not everyone has access to every platform but still wants insight into what emails are being sent, when, and the subject matter. 

ProjectManager’s marketing calendar template

A screenshot of a marketing calendar template from ProjectManager.

This simple template lets you organize and manage all marketing projects in one place. Divided into suggested channels such as email, paid, content, and events, this template makes it easy to understand, at a glance, what projects and tasks are being worked on at any time across all teams in the marketing department. Plus, it’s divided with tabs by month so you can easily keep track of future (and past) projects and tasks. 

Hootsuite’s social media content calendar

A screenshot of a marketing content calendar from Hootsuite.

Hootsuite’s free and customizable social media content calendar template includes columns for you to track and schedule content for all major platforms (TikTok, Instagram, X, Facebook, and LinkedIn). This template provides helpful instructions on the first tab, a tab where you can keep your strategy for easy access, plus monthly and weekly view tabs with space for your content pillars, key dates, campaigns, cornerstone content, and more. Plus, there’s a tab for your evergreen content library so you can link and manage assets, blog posts, and other resources without leaving your social media content calendar. 

HubSpot blog editorial calendar template

A screenshot of a marketing calendar template from HubSpot.

If you’re trying to plan out blog content for the month (and beyond), HubSpot’s plug-and-play Blog Editorial Calendar template is here to help. It provides room for important information such as due dates, publish dates, blog post topics and titles, content details, SEO keywords, target persona, and contact person. With this, you can visualize all of your upcoming blog content and quickly recognize if there are any topics or themes you’re repeating, covering too much, or missing. A bonus: when you enter your contact info in exchange for this template, you’ll be able to access it in Google Sheets, Google Calendar, and Excel formats. 

Content calendar template from

A screenshot of a content calendar template from

If you’re a user, you can take advantage of a number of their pre-made, feature-packed templates. This general content calendar template can be customized to suit the specific content type you want to track (i.e. social media calendar, blog editorial calendar, etc.) so you can manage and monitor the performance of any marketing projects, campaigns, and tasks in one centralized location. As this template supports the upload and sharing of relevant documents, files, images, and feedback, it offers a more collaborative experience than static calendar templates. Plus, it can be used with hundreds of automation options and reminders to keep things on track without much extra effort on your end.  

Notion’s content calendar template

A screenshot of a content calendar template from Notion.

Whether you’re looking to organize your personal life or professional projects, Notion has a free calendar template that can help. This specific minimalist marketing content calendar template is designed to help you track content projects from beginning to end. Thanks to Notion’s interface, you can easily see which team members are assigned to each project and important project deadlines. Plus, you’re given space to store relevant notes, images, recordings, research documents, and more, inside any card — something that makes it super easy to stay organized and avoid context-switching by exiting the calendar. 

GanttPro’s product launch marketing plan

A screenshot of a marketing content calendar template from GanttPro.

This free template from GanttPro is technically labeled as a “marketing plan,” but also works great as a calendar and timeline-tracking tool for product marketing launches. Available in Excel, Google Sheets, and GanttPro formats, it offers a detailed breakdown of each part of the many marketing elements involved in a product release in a super easy-to-use format. There’s space to track each task’s start date, end date, deadline, assignee, progress, and even budget and cost. 

Inflow’s SEO editorial calendar template

A screenshot of an editorial calendar template from Inflow.

With this free template, you can keep track of your blog and website content in alignment with your SEO strategy. It lets you add and organize your content according to SEO keywords, search intent, top competitors, content type, owner, publish date, published URL, and more. Plus, it includes handy and customizable drop-downs where you can update each asset’s current status so everyone’s always in the loop. 

A well-organized marketing calendar is an important tool for any professional managing diverse projects, deadlines, and stakeholders. However, the process of actually creating a marketing calendar from scratch can be confusing and time-consuming. That’s where these free marketing calendar templates come in. Whether trying to plan out a month’s worth of blog content or organize an upcoming conference, these templates can help streamline your workflows, boost transparency and collaboration, and give you more time to focus your efforts on the marketing goals that make an impact.