Workato alternatives
Workato alternatives

Unito vs Workato

Automation is an easy way to help your team be more productive and efficient in their day-to-day work. But to unlock real team collaboration, you may need to move beyond simple automation into two-way syncing.

Workato and Unito provide a great illustration of how these two approaches differ.

What’s the difference between Unito and Workato?

Two-way syncFunctionalityOne-way automation
Unlocking team collaborationBest forSaving time by automating tasks
Asana, ServiceNow, Salesforce, Jira, Wrike, etc.Integrations300+ apps

Unito and Workato cater to very different workflow needs. Workato uses one-way automation focused around creating simple “recipes” based on triggers, so if “x” happens do “y.” Unito, on the other hand, is built for exchanging information back and forth between different tools, enabling people to collaborate and converse in a unified space.

How two-way sync can revolutionize your workflow

When it comes to automating tasks, it’s quite simple to make something happen in one direction. If I build a task in one tool, build the same task in another tool. If I make a comment here, make that same comment over there. Essentially, when you see this trigger, take this action.

This sort of one-way push is really great for avoiding basic “creation” tasks — like copying and pasting information from one task to another. But while this type of automation will save you time, it generally won’t really change your workflow. That’s where two-way sync comes in.

Two-way sync allows you to automate creation tasks as well. But it goes beyond that, permitting a constant flow of progress and status updates between different software. In doing so, teams are able to be productive in the tools they love but still collaborate across teams and projects. It changes your workflow by eliminating the need to jump between tools while simplifying countless simple tasks through the entirety of a project.  

Two-way sync in action

Imagine you’re managing a project in Asana that requires development support. With one-way automation, you could have all of the information from your Asana task appear in a Jira issue. But that’s where the exchange ends. With two-way sync, you could sync the task to Jira as an issue, and any comments or progress updates made by the development team on that issue will automatically appear in your Asana task, and vice versa. Everyone sees the information they need to see, without having to resort to email or jumping into a tool they don’t normally use.

Unito provides simple two-way sync for all of its integrations. With a tool like Workato, you’d have to create several separate recipes in order to have that back and forth exchange of information:

  • Two for basic properties
  • Another two for comments
  • Another two for attachments
  • Etc.

If you’re not careful, you also risk creating an infinite loop of information, where each recipe pushes every update back and forth repeatedly.

What can be synced?

When syncing projects with Unito, you never have to worry about information getting lost. Rich text formatting, workflow statuses, assignees, comments, @mentions, attachments, custom fields, and subtask hierarchies can all be automatically synced between tools. You can also choose to leave certain categories of information out, if it’s not essential for the team or person on the other end.

Unito also provides live sync (operations syncing as they happen, with little to no delay), and multi-syncs — syncing multiple projects to one.

What tools are integrated?

Unito has over 50 in-depth integrations including:

Workato has apps for all of these tools except for GitLab. They also have more than 300 other apps, covering areas like sales, finance, HR, and more.

Unito vs Workato: Which is right for you?

As you can see, Unito and Workato are very different tools. As a result, many people will find value in using both tools to meet different needs. Unito is great for organizations looking to unlock cross-team collaboration through two-way sync. Workato is great for simple recipe-based automation, especially if you use a large suite of tools on a day-to-day basis.

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