The Trello logo in a selection box, representing the Trello templates blog post.
The 22 Best Free Trello Templates for Project Management, Team Management, And More
The Trello logo in a selection box, representing the Trello templates blog post.

The 22 Best Free Trello Templates for Project Management, Team Management, And More

If you’ve already started using Trello, you’ve probably been shocked by how easy it is to build your first board. But in that simplicity comes a challenge. Since you can build just about anything, where should you start? If you approach this question with a need — such as “I need a way to track my meetings — you can then find a Trello board template that’ll get you started off on the right foot.

Here’s our list of the 15 best free Trello templates.

5 Free templates for Trello project management

Trello’s project management template

A screenshot of a project management Trello template.

This simple template directly from the team at Trello can help you manage all sorts of projects. It even has columns to collect project resources you’ll need as you work, as well as a place where you can highlight those tasks that get blocked along the way.

A premortem template

A screenshot of the premortem template for Trello.

You’ve probably run a project postmortem before — figuring out what went wrong and how to prevent it from happening again. But what about a premortem? With this template, you can start brainstorming potential problems before they happen and plan for them.

Agile Trello board template

A screenshot of the agile board template for Trello.

Big fan of the agile methodology? Or maybe it’s something you want to try for an upcoming project? With this template, you can get a headstart on adapting the methodology for Trello and seeing what it can do for your projects.

Eisenhower Matrix template

A template for the Eisenhower Matrix.

The Eisenhower Matrix is a simple method for prioritizing your tasks. All you need to do is ask yourself two questions: “is it urgent?” and “is it important?” The answers to these questions will determine whether you should do a task first, schedule it for later, delegate it, or not do it at all.

Atlassian’s trade-offs board

Screenshot of the trade-offs board template.

Ever get stuck in circular conversations about what direction a project should be taking? One way you can avoid these is by using Atlassian’s “trade-offs.” This involves setting project priorities early and discussing which ones can be descoped and which ones are absolutely essential.

“Without Unito, it would take us twice as much time to get everything done. A lot of vendors promote syncs and mirror functionality, but Unito works so well it really is all I need.”

Neko Salazar, Team Lead, Atlassian – Read the case study

5 Trello templates for managers

1-on-1 meeting agenda Trello template

A screenshot of a 1-on-1 meeting template for Trello.

Having regular 1-on-1 meetings is an important part of being a leader. It’s when you can hear your team’s grievances, celebrate their wins, and help them plan their career growth.

Atlassian’s 90-day plan template

A screenshot of the 90-day plan template.

Looking to streamline the onboarding process for new hires? With this Trello board, you can easily send a one-size-fits-all resource to all hires so they know exactly what they need to do to start off on the right foot.

Team focus board

A screenshot of the team focus board.

Struggling to get an eye on everything your team is up to? By using this template, you can make sure all those tasks are easily represented using a color-coded system. Find out what’s urgent, what’ll go to next week, and what got done, all at a glance.

Staff scheduling Trello template

If you work in a field where you have to schedule regular shifts, you know it can be tough to keep track of who’s working when. With this template, you can have a single source of truth for this that everyone can access.

Team health monitor

A screenshot of the team health monitor board.

Tracking tasks is far from the only thing a good manager needs to do. You also need to have an idea of how healthy your team is in different ways, from how well they work together to how much they enjoy their day-to-day tasks.

4 Trello templates for reporting

Risk report template

A screenshot of a risk report board.

Stakeholders need risk reports to know how they can best use their influence. With this simple template, you can easily track your project’s potential risks, how they might impact your project, and what you’re doing to mitigate them.

Inventory management template

A screenshot of a free inventory management template for a Trello board.

If you run a business that needs to manage physical inventory, this is the Trello template for you. This free template will enable you to organize your inventory without an expensive, dedicated solution. It’s a great place to start, especially for smaller businesses.

Advanced project budgeting and time tracking

A screenshot of a project budgeting and time tracking template for Trello.

The two most important resources to track for your project’s success are its budget and the time people are putting into it. With this Trello template, you can track both of them and ensure more of your projects end in success.

Team health monitor template

A screenshot of a team health monitor template for Trello.

What does it mean to keep a team healthy? It’s about helping them organize and prioritize their most important work, make sure they’re not getting overwhelmed, and even schedule a bit of fun outside of work. This is a great template for doing all of that.

4 Trello templates for improving productivity

Getting Things Done method template

A screenshot of the Getting things Done template for Trello.

The Getting Things Done methodology is one of the most popular ways to improve productivity, and with this template you can apply it to your Trello boards.

Time effort planner template

A screenshot of the timed effort planner template for Trello.

Struggling to get a handle on your to-do list? This simple personal project management template lets you break it down according to how much time each task takes to complete. Only got an hour? Bang out a bunch of your five-minute tasks or close out an hour-long task.

Work from home daily planner

A work from home daily planner template for Trello.

Here’s something that’ll enable you to organize your work, no matter where it happens. Organize it by day, track your to-dos for the week, and more.

Mise-En-Place personal productivity system

A mise en place template for Trello.

If you’re struggling to get your work in order, this might be the template for you. It’ll allow you to set goals for the week, prioritize your projects, and push more of your important tasks toward completion.

4 Trello templates for all kinds of needs

Marketing content catalog Trello template

A screenshot of a marketing content catalog board.

Did you know that most marketing content goes unused? That’s because it doesn’t matter how great the content is if no one knows where to find it. With this Trello template, you can build a simple way to track all the content you’ve created.

“We’ve saved so much time not having to execute the same steps as before. Not to mention the soft hours saved – all of the confusion or waste trying to find the right files. Unito has saved me hours each day.”

AC Furey, Executive Director of EducationRead the case study

Simple ticket triage

A screenshot of a simple ticket triage board.

Ever wanted to run a ticket triage system from Zendesk through Trello? With this template — and the right Unito integration — you can turn Zendesk tickets into Trello cards automatically, and manage them all without leaving Trello.

Daily task management Trello template

A screens hot of a daily task management board.

Struggling to keep track of your own work and don’t know where to start? With this simple Trello template, you can collect all the tasks you’re responsible for and plan them for the entire week.

Trello pitch deck template

A screenshot of a pitch deck board.

Whether you’re pitching a startup idea or a new product, you don’t need to start from scratch. This template will guide you through every step of building a pitch that’ll make a splash.

Managing projects in Trello?

Check out our full guide to Trello project management, including the four most important things you'll need.

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