Product (page 9)

Whenever we release new features or update our product, you’ll find these updates right here.

ClickUp Integration

Your ClickUp Workflows Just Got an Upgrade With Unito’s Newest Integration

Our new ClickUp integration is now live! Learn about ClickUp, and what you can do with this integration.

Unito Series A Funding Announcement

Big News! Unito’s New Funding, New Partnerships, and New Features

We’ve raised a Series A funding round of $10.5 million led by Bessemer Venture Partners to support our efforts to unite work.

Slackbot for software development - La Capitaine

A Slackbot for Shipping Software: Meet Le Capitaine

We built an interactive Slackbot to help us ship software more efficiently. His name is Le Capitaine, and he’s our foul-mouthed helper!

Unito Hubspot Integration

Unito’s New HubSpot Integration Makes it Easy For Sales Teams to Collaborate

Unito’s new HubSpot integration syncs the software with nine of the biggest work management tools on the market.

Sync Zendesk to Trello, Asana, and other project management tools with Unito

Sync Tickets From Zendesk to Your Project Management Tool With Unito

Maintain visibility into your tickets, keep things organized, and better collaborate with other teams by syncing Zendesk to other collaboration tools.

How to Increase Productivity With the Mirror Power-Up for Trello

Collaborate more efficiently through Trello by duplicating individual cards between boards and keeping all card content syncing two-ways using Mirror.

Trello is Ready for Enterprise & Large Teams with New Custom Fields + Unito

This blog post is a bit out of date. For the latest on how Enterprises can use Trello with Unito, check out our post here. Trello’s new custom fields API brings the kind of power […]