How To Make a Business Case for Unito

How To Make a Business Case for Unito

Have you been using Unito and getting a lot out of it? Need to convince someone that it’s worth getting a subscription for the team? We’re going to guide you through crafting the perfect message that’ll convince anyone — even the stingiest CEO — that Unito is going to transform the way you work. Here’s the step-by-step process you’ll follow to write your own message:

  1. Put your use case into words.
  2. Identify the advantages of using Unito.
  3. Pick a statistic that’s extra convincing.
  4. Use a Unito statistic that makes the platform irresistible.
  5. Add a link to a Unito guide.

Let’s dive in.

Step 1: Put your use case into words

Here’s our first marketing trick: turn what you’re doing with Unito into a use case. By doing that, you make your need a common one, which is an easier sell to any decision-maker. Here are some things you want to make sure you mention in your use case.

  • The tools you’re using with Unito.
  • The kind of work you’re doing.
  • The teams you’re working with.

When wording your use case, make sure to keep it simple, while using keywords that communicate what you’re doing. Here are a few examples of use cases you can adapt to your individual Unito experience.

  • Using Unito to sync Trello cards between personal boards, team boards, and an executive board.
  • Syncing issues from a Jira project to a product roadmap built in Notion.
  • Pushing customer data from a CRM to a spreadsheet in Google Sheets.
  • Keeping tasks in sync across multiple project management tools, like and Asana.

Don’t think too much about how Unito is changing the way you work at this stage. Focus on what it’s doing.

Step 2: Pick out the advantages of using Unito

When you want to convince someone to adopt a new tool, you need to tell them how that tool is going to change the game for your team. If you’ve already been using Unito for a bit, you probably already have a good idea of what it’s done for your workflow. But if you need a bit of help coming up with that, here are some examples.

  • Saving time.
  • Eliminating mind-numbing manual work.
  • Bringing multiple teams closer together.
  • Streamlining workflows.
  • Closing out projects ahead of schedule.
  • Completing complex tasks with fewer people.

No need to go overboard here, just pick two advantages you’ve noticed from using Unito.

Step 3: Choose a convincing statistic

Data is the haymaker that follows the jabs of your personal advantages for using Unito. Decision makers love data, and the right statistic can make them realize how big of a problem you’re solving with Unito. But you don’t have to go find it yourself; we have a list of some of the most convincing ones right here.

  • 59% of knowledge workers find it hard to focus on the number of applications they now have to deal with. (Source)
  • 27% of marketing leaders say that gaps in current tools are causing stress for their team. (Source)
  • The average annual cost of wasted time for a single knowledge worker is $16.5K. (Source)
  • 29% of the reason behind project failures is blamed on poor communication. (Source)
  • Knowledge workers say they use 14 applications every day, but business function leaders say their employees only use 10. (Source)

Once you’ve picked a stat that sounds extra convincing, it’s time to pick a Unito fact that’ll help seal the deal.

Step 4: Pick an irresistible Unito fact

Stats about the broader industry are great, but decision-makers will likely want some kind of data point that proves Unito’s the right tool for the job. That’s where these Unito facts — picked especially to be irresistible for stakeholders — come in.

  • Unito has more than 11,000 active workspaces, including clients like Netflix, Tesla, Logitech, and The Washington Post.
  • The median setup time for a workspace is 12 minutes.
  • Unito is syncing more than 14 million work items right now.

Armed with the right fact, decision-makers will just have one question for you: “how do we start?”

Step 5: Give them the right guide

We have a whole host of guides you can use to get started quickly — no matter what tools you’re using. Sharing them means everyone can get started faster

Check out this database to find a guide that applies to the tools you’re syncing with Unito.

Just pick the one that covers the tools you’re using Unito with and you’re set.

Step 6: Craft your message

Now that you have everything you need, you just have to put it all together to craft the perfect message.

Hi [name],

As you might know, I started using Unito to [identified use case]. It’s been working great so far! I’ve noticed that [advantage 1] and [advantage 2].

I think we should start using Unito more broadly.

Did you know that [stat?]

I know that’s something we’ve struggled with as a team, and Unito is a great solution for that.

Unito is a platform that [Unito stat.]

If you want, I can show you how it works, or you can check out this [Unito video guide.]

I’d love to talk about this more in our next 1-on-1!

Kind regards,

[Your name]

Make adjustments as you need, send the message, and you’ll have a Unito workspace for your team in no time.

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