Project management (page 17)

Managing projects is a tough gig. You need the right tools, mindset, and skillset. In this category, you’ll get articles on all of this.

Project management skills

6 Essential Project Management Skills in 2023

A project manager’s job description can often look like the combination of many distinct roles. We recommend mastering the following essential project management skills.

Trello-Jira Webinar

Free Webinar: Using a Trello-Jira Integration to Better Manage Development Projects

Unito allows you to sync Trello and Jira, building a customizable flow of information between the two tools. This webinar shows you how.

vacation handover project management tool

Going on a Vacation? Prepare Your Team Using Your Project Management Tool

While a vacation handover can take the form of a document or an email, your project management tool is likely the most organized means of sharing those key details.

Free Webinar: How to Build a Trello Master Board

A Trello master board allows you to see all the cards you need in one place. This free webinar will walk you through how to build one, and common use cases.

Shape Up - Basecamp

4 Project Management Lessons to Take From Basecamp’s Shape Up

Basecamp has shared how they deliver projects in a new eBook called Shape Up. Here’s what it teaches us about project management.

Project management for customer service

The Complete Guide to Project Management for Customer Service Teams

In this E-book you’ll learn how project management can help your customer service team deal with challenging tickets and better prepare for the future.

Workato alternatives

Unito vs Workato

Unito and Workato are very different tools. Discover the difference between one-way automation and two-way sync.

How to Build a Master Board in Trello

To see cards on multiple boards in one place, consider building a Trello master board.

What is a Gantt Chart - Visualization

A Beginner’s Guide to Gantt Charts

Gantt charts are one of the best ways to visually present what needs to be done and when in a way that’s easily digestible at a glance.

Sync Zendesk to Trello, Asana, and other project management tools with Unito

Sync Tickets From Zendesk to Your Project Management Tool With Unito

Maintain visibility into your tickets, keep things organized, and better collaborate with other teams by syncing Zendesk to other collaboration tools.

Asana Subtasks

How to Effectively Create and Use Subtasks in Asana

Subtasks help complicated projects run more smoothly, and make it easy to see your overall progress on a task, especially in Asana.