Asana two-way integration

Establish deep two-way workflows between the apps and tools you use. Unito syncs tasks back and forth between Asana and your other work software based on simple rules and filters set by you.

Configure your workflow with the perfect pair

Sync Asana + Jira with Unito

With a little help from Jeremie Ponak - Product Marketer at Unito - learn how to set up a Unito two-way flow to sync Asana tasks with Jira issues.

Stay in sync with 2-way integrations

Unito syncs tasks back and forth between Asana and your other tools out-of-the-box.

Share the right information in the right place

Personalize your integration by choosing which details to sync. Pair up individual fields any way you want to enjoy the freedom of flexibility.

Sync historical data as far back as your tools allow

Unito doesn't just sync new data, it also gives you the option to sync all historical data that matches your rules.

Stay in the loop with live updates

When information changes in one place, Unito automatically updates your synced data in another in real-time.

Choose what syncs and what doesn't

Control how your information syncs and where it goes with fully configurable rules that let you separate the data you need from the data you don't.

"A few clicks and we were set up. Easy to use. Easy to get started. We use Github for engineering and Asana for planning, works great."

Dimitri Kandassamy , Head of Delivery, Engineering @ Ricardo

Streamline open source development across Asana and GitHub

"Unito is a time-saver for engineers who work on several projects. They can see everything assigned to them in Asana without having to go hunt and peck in GitHub."

— Amanda Martinez, Engineering Manager@ Chromatic

Read the case study →

Unito syncs the following Asana fields:

Task fields One-way icon: info Two-way icon: info
Assignee icon: info
Attachment icon: info
Created by icon: info
Section / column icon: info
Comment icon: info
Project name icon: info
Created at icon: info
Date icon: info
Description icon: info
Due date icon: info
Enum icon: info
Globally unique identifier of the task icon: info
Tag icon: info
Updated at icon: info
Multiple choices dropdown icon: info
Number icon: info
People icon: info
Start date icon: info
Status icon: info
Subtask icon: info
Task type icon: info
Text icon: info
Task name icon: info
Link to task icon: info

See everything Unito's integration for Asana can do in the Unito Help Center.

See all your Unito flows directly within Asana

Take full advantage of Unito and Asana with our Flow Preview companion app, which gives you a quick way to see all active flows in your Asana tasks. You’ll see all work items your Asana task is synced with and have a quick link to edit your flows.

Install Unito's companion app