Remote Work and Management

We were remote for months

Unito Has Been Fully Remote for Nearly Three Months: Here’s What We’ve Learned

Unito is not a remote-first organization. We had flexible schedules to account for doctor’s appointments or subway shutdowns. But we had to do more.

Remote Manager Handbook

The Remote Manager’s Handbook

This handbook includes tool recommendations and a remote management checklist that breaks down key steps you should take daily, weekly, and long term as you lead your remote team.

Darren Murph on Remote Company Culture

GitLab’s Darren Murph on Building Remote Company Culture

Darren Murph knows a lot about remote work. As the Head of Remote at GitLab, he’s responsible for helping employees acclimate to the company’s all-remote culture. We thought we’d tap into Murph’s expertise to answer some of the most common questions about remote company culture.

Remote work with Unito

Hacking Remote Work with Unito

From opening up new channels of communication across your organization, to automating how progress is shared on important initiatives, Unito’s two-way integrations create a slew of opportunities that will allow you to excel in a work-from-home environment.

Managing a Remote Team

Free Webinar: Managing a Remote Team

In this webinar, you’ll learn how managing a remote team differs from managing a team in-office, and tips for handling the challenges of remote management.

Remote management

Remote Management: What Leaders Need to Consider When Going Remote

Read on to discover real solutions to the issues and challenges facing managers as their workforce evolves into a remote experience.

Remote tech stack webinar

Free Webinar: Building Your Company’s Remote Work Tool Stack

In the last few days, hundreds of thousands of people have suddenly become remote workers. This webinar will help you prepare your tools for the transition.

Tools for Freelancers

10 of the Best Tools for Freelancers

We’ve compiled a list of the best tools for freelancers to help you track time, be productive, and stay happy.

Productivity tips for remote workers

The Top 5 Productivity Tips for Remote Workers

Working remotely takes strategy and discipline. To help combat the pitfalls, we’ve gone ahead and compiled a list of productivity tips for remote workers.

Collaboration tips for remote workers

Top Collaboration Tips For Remote Workers

Working remotely might make your team more productive, but it can also make collaboration a challenge. These tips will help.