Dara Fontein

Dara is a writer and content creator based in Vancouver, British Columbia. When not playing around with words, Dara can be found updating her cat's Instagram account, wandering the aisles of home decor stores, and not hiking.
Two triangular flags. One says teamwork and the other says yay

The 50 Best Teamwork Quotes to Motivate Your Team

The right quote has the power to motivate even the most cynical of employees. We searched far and wide to bring you a collection of teamwork quotes that will actually make an impression on your team.

team building activities

28 Team Building Activities Your Team Will Actually Enjoy

In this post, we’re going beyond the cliché trust falls and team dinners. We’ll give you 28 ideas for team building activities that both you and your team will actually enjoy.

Meeting minutes

How to Write Effective Meeting Minutes (with a Free Template)

We’ve all attended those meetings where you leave feeling more confused than when you arrived. Maybe you don’t completely understand what decisions were made, or perhaps you’re unsure of what the next steps are. And when it comes time for a follow-up, nobody seems to be on the same page. Meeting minutes are an easy solution to these challenges.

Meeting agendas - tips and templates

Meeting Agendas: Tips and Templates

To help you make sure you’re running efficient, purposeful meetings, we’ve put together a how-to guide for creating effective meeting agendas. We’ve also included some easy-to-use templates that will have all attendees enthusiastically clicking that ‘Attending’ button.

Remote management

Remote Management: What Leaders Need to Consider When Going Remote

Read on to discover real solutions to the issues and challenges facing managers as their workforce evolves into a remote experience.

can't focus at work

Can’t Focus at Work? Here’s What to Do.

According to a study by polling agency Maru/Blue, the average office worker loses up to two hours per day in productivity due to distractions.

Effective communication skills

Building Effective Communication Skills: A Guide for Project Managers

Among all positions, effective communication skills are perhaps most vital for project managers. They need to align everyone on a single goal and ensure that all the right information finds its way to all the right people.

How to prioritize

How to Prioritize: A Complete Guide to Getting Your Most Important Work Done

Project managers need to know how to prioritize. It’s something your team depends on you for, and it helps reduce that dread you feel on your way to work.

Emotional intelligence skills for project managers

Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers: Strategies and Resources

Learn why emotional intelligence is such a crucial skill for project managers, and actionable tips and tricks for improving your emotional intelligence.

Retrospection skills

Retrospection Skills: Strategies and Resources

Learn why retrospection is a key skill for project managers, how to successfully run a project retrospective, and what resources and strategies will boost your retrospection skills

Project management skills

6 Essential Project Management Skills in 2023

A project manager’s job description can often look like the combination of many distinct roles. We recommend mastering the following essential project management skills.