Product Management

Scissors and a comb, representing backlog grooming

How Backlog Grooming Helps Your Dev Team Get More Done

Heart palpitations. The trickle of cold sweat down the back of your neck. The clawing sense that you’re drowning under a wave of unfinished tasks. You realize the one thing that was supposed to keep you organized is now the source of your anxiety: your product backlog has gotten out of control. What do you do now?

A disassembled skateboard, representing a minimum viable product

What Is a Minimum Viable Product?

Heard the term minimum viable product (or MVP) and not sure what it means? Find out what it is, what it’s used for, and what you need to know before creating your own.

A bicycle with square wheels, representing technical debt

How to Deal with Technical Debt: Tips and Strategies

Technical debt and financial debt are more similar than you might think. They can be built up in the same way, and the strategies for paying off debt tech are similar to what you’d see in finance. Here’s how it’s done.

A pair of chat bubbles, representing an interview on product manager jobs

6 PMs on How They Got Their First Product Manager Jobs (and How You Can Too)

“How to get started?” is probably the single most popular question asked about any role. Whether you’re considering a career switch or are fresh out of school, you’re here to learn how people land their first product manager jobs. We asked six product managers to tell us how it’s done.

An interview about product management skills

Essential Product Management Skills According To 6 PMs

A product manager’s roles is complicated. That’s why they need a broad set of product management skills to get through the day. We asked six product managers to give us their insight on essential — and overrated — product management skills.

An illustration of speech bubbles, representing an interview on product manager certification

Is a Product Management Certification Important? 6 PMs Weigh In

In some fields, a certification is an asset that lets you stand out from the pack. In others, it’s an absolute requirement. Which is it for product management? We asked six product managers for their insight.

An illustration of a road, representing a product roadmap.

What Is a Product Roadmap? (With Tools and Templates)

There was a time when you needed to keep maps in your glove compartment just in case you got lost. Any company that needs to make sure they don’t stray from their core goals need a product roadmap to keep everyone aligned. Here’s what that is and how to build one.

An illustration of two chat bubbles, representing an interview on product manager responsibilities

Product Manager Responsibilities According To 5 PMs

Does your organization have a product manager? Do you know what they do? Don’t feel too embarrassed if you don’t know the answer to that question; you’re not alone. Because product managers handle strategy and need to maintain close relationships with many teams, it’s not always clear what a product manager’s responsibilities really are. But getting a product from idea to market is a long, difficult journey, for which product managers are crucial. Find out how they do just that.

An illustration of post-its on a board, representing product management.

What Is Product Management?

Coming up with an idea for a new product is easy. Go to a hackathon or a startup meetup, and you’ll hear “this is the Uber of X” over and over again. The challenge is […]