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An illustration of a man riding a bicycle made of gears, representing marketing automation platforms.

The Marketing Automation Platform: How to Squeeze More Work Out of Every Hour

With a marketing automation platform, your marketing team can get more out of every work day by automating mundane tasks and streamlining processes. Here’s how.

The Jira logo, representing a blog post on how to export Jira issues.

How to Export Jira Issues to Any Tool (3 Methods)

Jira’s great for software projects, but not necessarily for other teams. Here are three ways you can export Jira issues to any other tool, either using built-in features or a Unito flow.

Spreadsheets vs. Databases: Which One Should You Be Using?

Spreadsheets vs. databases, what’s the difference anyway? One’s great for many use cases, while the other is best for managing tons of data.

Sales Velocity: What It Is and How It’s Measured

Sales velocity is a metric that sales leaders and their teams can use to gauge their performance. Here’s how it works.

Project Tracking: How Project Managers Keep Things From Falling Apart

Project tracking is how project managers ensure that their project doesn’t go off the rails. Here’s how it’s done — and what to watch out for.

Logos for Asana and Google Sheets, representing a way to get your Asana reports into Google Sheets.

How To Report on Asana Tasks With Google Sheets and Unito

Asana is a great project management tool, but it’s not necessarily the best way to report on your work. Here’s how you can use Unito

A person climbing a wall, representing ad-hoc reporting.

Ad-Hoc Reporting: For When You Need a Report Right Now

Ad-hoc reporting happens whenever someone needs a report outside of a project’s regular schedule. Here’s how you can get it right.

A vending machine, representing the marketing dashboard.

The Marketing Dashboard: What It Is and How To Make Your Own

With a marketing dashboard, you can bring all your data in one place, giving everyone the ability to make better decisions. Here’s what your dashboard absolutely needs.

Two people passing a folder across a balcony, representing cross-functional collaboration.

Cross-Functional Collaboration: What It Is and Why Your Team Needs It

Cross-functional collaboration brings in people from different teams to work on the same project, like designers, developers, marketers, and more. Here’s how it changes the game.

A woman putting cash into an atm, representing business process automation.

Get More From Every Workflow With Business Process Automation

With business process automation, you can use software to eliminate manual work, improve quality assurance, and a whole lot more. Here’s how it works.

A cloud dropping dotted lines onto servers, representing generative AI.

5 Ways To Write Alongside Generative AI

Generative AI is taking the internet by storm, but how useful is it really? Here’s how writers can make the most of this new tool.