eBook: 6 Risks Facing Marketing and IT in 2024
As 2024 kicks off, marketing teams across industries are struggling to keep up with reduced budgets and greater demand to prove ROI on every initiative. Some turn to AI tools, others to third-party apps promising solutions of all kinds. Others look to customer data for insights and answers, yet data is harder to come by than ever before as stricter, newly-enforced privacy regulations change the dynamic for digital marketers worldwide.
Meanwhile, IT teams remain focused on securing the organization’s IP, protecting data infrastructure, and adopting new apps carefully and cautiously. Data security is paramount, yet the stereotypically slow vetting process puts these teams at odds with marketers, desperate for technology to support their goals.

Integrations: build or buy? An interview with Simon Wahl
Hear from Simon Wahl, VP Marketing at Flinks on when it makes sense to build your integration internally, or buy an integration from a third-party.
So what should teams in this position do? The same thing they would do in better times: communicate, share information, align on common objectives and help the organization achieve its business goals.
In Unito’s eBook, 6 Risks Facing Marketing and IT in 2024, you’ll discover:
- Interviews with 15 senior executives on how to solve alignment.
- 6 common scenarios and challenges facing marketing and IT teams and how to address them:
- Independence vs. Shadow IT
- Data Privacy and Security
- Emerging and Expanding Tech Stacks
- Managing Budget Constraints and Pressure to Deliver
- Build or Buy?
- Evolving Customer Behaviours
- Expert advice from experienced leaders at LinkedIn, Meta, HubSpot, Salesforce, and more.