Collaboration and Productivity

There’s always more work to get done. In these articles, you’ll find techniques and ideas for increasing your productivity without burning out.

Value statement

Value Statement: How to Write One for Your Company [With Examples]

There’s never been a more crucial time to create or update your organization’s value statement. With more and more companies turning to remote work, this statement will help you ensure that your distributed team is aligned and engaged.

A notepad, representing the subject matter expert

What Is a Subject Matter Expert?

You have a burning question. You asked your desk-mate, people on your team, and your direct manager. Your question was met with shrugs, hesitation, and a suggestion that you ask a subject matter expert. Maybe they even threw the acronym SME at you. So how do you find a subject matter expert?

An illustration of a person with an unrolling leaf of paper and charts, representing sales report templates.

12 of the Best Sales Report Templates for Your Teams

The right sales report template can save you a ton of time with essential sales reports. Here are some of the best.

A calendar, surrounded by logos for Notion and Google Calendar, representing a method to embed a Google Calendar.

How To Embed a Google Calendar in Notion (3 Methods)

Need to see your meetings in Notion? Here are two ways you can embed your Google Calendar events in a Notion page.

A person handing a full folder to another, representing the project status report.

What is a Project Status Report? (and How to Write One)

A project status report is essentially a quick check-in on a project’s progress. Here’s how you can create one, what the benefits are, and more.

Azure DevOpS: Project Management Made Easy for Agile Teams

Ready to stay agile with Azure DevOps project management? Here’s all you need to know about running projects in ADO like a pro.

An illustration of a person talking by three laptops, representing a post about managing remote teams.

21 Tips for Managing Remote Teams

Leading a remote team and don’t know where to go for help? Look no further. Learn how to manage remote staff with 21 easy tips.

What Is a Team Coordination Workflow?

If your team coordination workflow isn’t moving smoothly, you’re getting overwhelmed, and your team is getting frustrated. Here’s how we prevent that.

12 Key Customer Engagement Metrics to Measure Customer Satisfaction

Customer engagement metrics like churn rate, conversion rate, and more help your business track how effective different initiatives are.

A cat with a dog's shadow, representing the single source of truth.

It’s Time To Say Goodbye to the Single Source of Truth

Is a single source of truth possible? Maybe. Is it worth the effort? Probably not. So what should you be doing instead? Let’s dive in.

How to Sync and Merge Multiple Notion Pages with Automated 2-Way Updates

Here’s how to automatically connect, sync, merge and integrate multiple Notion pages across databases and workspaces!