An illustration of two people working at laptops under an infinity sign, representing rolling migrations.
Unito’s Guide To Phased Migrations
An illustration of two people working at laptops under an infinity sign, representing rolling migrations.

Unito’s Guide To Phased Migrations

In Unito’s Guide to Phased Migrations, you’ll discover:

  • Why phased migrations are low-risk and downtime-free
  • How to pick a tool for your migration needs
  • How to prepare and run a phased migration
  • How a two-way sync platform makes phased migrations better

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Migrating data at scale isn’t something you undertake unless it’s absolutely necessary. Maybe the legacy system you’ve relied on thus far has reached the end of its life and you can’t continue using it without exposing yourself to serious security risks. You might need to migrate to a more affordable tool, one that has better support for crucial tasks, or even consolidate data from multiple tools into a single one.

Whatever the case might be, you now need to plan a migration.

Migrating data between systems can pose significant challenges and even serious risks. Issues in data transfer can corrupt data, sometimes irreversibly. Any software you use for migration can potentially fall victim to cyberattacks. Important projects can get paused for significant periods of time as the migration process crawls on. It’s enough to make project managers, individual collaborators, and even sysadmins pause, asking themselves if their migration is really worth the trouble.

But there’s a better way.

With a phased migration, you can mitigate the usual risks of migrating data, eliminate downtime, and do it all for less.

Get Unito’s Guide to Phased Migrations to learn more about the better way to migrate data — and how Unito can be your partner of choice for running yours.

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