Productivity (page 8)

There’s always more work to get done. In these articles, you’ll find techniques and ideas for increasing your productivity without burning out.

Scissors and a comb, representing backlog grooming

How Backlog Grooming Helps Your Dev Team Get More Done

Heart palpitations. The trickle of cold sweat down the back of your neck. The clawing sense that you’re drowning under a wave of unfinished tasks. You realize the one thing that was supposed to keep you organized is now the source of your anxiety: your product backlog has gotten out of control. What do you do now?

A disassembled skateboard, representing a minimum viable product

What Is a Minimum Viable Product?

Heard the term minimum viable product (or MVP) and not sure what it means? Find out what it is, what it’s used for, and what you need to know before creating your own.

New Year New Integrations

New Year, New Integrations: Take Back the Reins of Collaboration With Unito in 2021

2020 had its load of challenges for productivity and collaboration. Like many other organizations, you might have been forced to suddenly adapt to remote work, scrambling to build the tech stack you needed to make it happen. Here’s how Unito can help you overcome these challenges in 2021.

A cursor navigating through information, representing the pre-sales support workflow

What Is a Pre-Sales Support Workflow?

Is a firm handshake enough to secure a deal? These days, a prospect might have any number of technical questions, and they expect collateral before they buy. How do you get answers and support to your sales reps when they need it?

An arrow hitting a bullseye, representing new year's resolutions for project managers

How To Use a Project Management Tool To Actually Stick To Your Resolutions

The decorations are all gone and the turkey is too. Time to look ahead and figure out your resolutions. Want to actually stick to them this year? Here’s how your project management tool can help you do that.

A cut extension cord, representing disconnecting from work for the holidays

4 Reasons Why You Should Disconnect During the Holidays (and How To Do It)

Do you have time off coming up? Are you already thinking about all the important updates you’ll miss, or how you’ll have to catch up when you get back? Stop. Breathe. Learn how to disconnect.

A staircase leading up to a trophy

Personal Project Management: The Getting Things Done Methodology and Asana

Swamped with tasks? Don’t know where to start? Find out how you can combine the Getting Things Done methodology with Asana to level up your personal productivity and get better at managing your own projects.

A code line, representing no code development

Less Is More and None Is Better: Why No Code Development Is the Future

Need a software solution to make your project happen but don’t have access to a developer? Find out how no code development can take your project from concept to reality.

A bicycle with square wheels, representing technical debt

How to Deal with Technical Debt: Tips and Strategies

Technical debt and financial debt are more similar than you might think. They can be built up in the same way, and the strategies for paying off debt tech are similar to what you’d see in finance. Here’s how it’s done.

To do list templates

5 Must-Have, Printable To Do List Templates

While there are countless scheduling and organizational tools available, sometimes what you need is a classic to do list template.

A list of done tasks, representing the optimization of the personal to-do list workflow

What Is a Personal To-Do List Workflow?

What’s the first thing you do when you get to the office? You probably start by finding out what you need to do that day. That involves checking your email, your chat tool, your tools, and more. How do you keep it all organized? With a personal to-do list workflow, of course.