Collaboration and Productivity (page 14)

There’s always more work to get done. In these articles, you’ll find techniques and ideas for increasing your productivity without burning out.

Meeting minutes

How to Write Effective Meeting Minutes (with a Free Template)

We’ve all attended those meetings where you leave feeling more confused than when you arrived. Maybe you don’t completely understand what decisions were made, or perhaps you’re unsure of what the next steps are. And when it comes time for a follow-up, nobody seems to be on the same page. Meeting minutes are an easy solution to these challenges.

The Hidden Impact of Context Switching (And How to Escape It)

Can’t focus? Find out why context switching is preventing you from focusing for more than three minutes at a time — and what you can do about it.

Darren Murph on Remote Company Culture

GitLab’s Darren Murph on Building Remote Company Culture

Darren Murph knows a lot about remote work. As the Head of Remote at GitLab, he’s responsible for helping employees acclimate to the company’s all-remote culture. We thought we’d tap into Murph’s expertise to answer some of the most common questions about remote company culture.

Remote work with Unito

Hacking Remote Work with Unito

From opening up new channels of communication across your organization, to automating how progress is shared on important initiatives, Unito’s two-way integrations create a slew of opportunities that will allow you to excel in a work-from-home environment.

Joshua Zerkel - Head of Global Community at Asana

An Interview with Asana’s Head of Global Community, Joshua Zerkel

McKinsey estimates word-of-mouth to be the primary factor in between 20-50% of purchasing decisions. Community building can help your business create an army of advocates who spread that word-of-mouth across the globe. Just ask Joshua Zerkel, Head of Global Community at Asana.

virtual conferences

Attending a Virtual Conference for the First Time? 5 Experts Share Their Tips

Virtual conferences have been rising in popularity for years now, but with the emergence of COVID-19, they have exploded as an industry necessity. Here are tips for first-time attendees.

4 Unito Practices for a More Equal Workplace

The tech industry has come far, but we still have a ways to go before the gender gap is fully closed. Here’s how Unito is working towards that.

Effective communication skills

Building Effective Communication Skills: A Guide for Project Managers

Among all positions, effective communication skills are perhaps most vital for project managers. They need to align everyone on a single goal and ensure that all the right information finds its way to all the right people.

transparency by default

How and Why to Embrace Transparency by Default

Here’s a quick look at how we implement transparency by default at Unito and how it impacts our business. These are ideas that any company can take away, implement, and adjust to their own realities.

PieSync CEO Ewout Meyns on the future of integration

PieSync CEO Ewout Meyns on the Future of Integration and Collaboration

We spoke with PieSync’s founder and CEO Ewout Meyns about the future of workplace collaboration, and how integration is becoming an essential tool for businesses navigating this era of SaaS tool dominance.

Emotional intelligence skills for project managers

Emotional Intelligence for Project Managers: Strategies and Resources

Learn why emotional intelligence is such a crucial skill for project managers, and actionable tips and tricks for improving your emotional intelligence.