Collaboration and Productivity (page 10)

There’s always more work to get done. In these articles, you’ll find techniques and ideas for increasing your productivity without burning out.

The 7 Best Pomodoro Apps

There are plenty of Pomodoro apps out there that promise to help keep you focused. But they’re not all created equal. So which one should you use?

Three people chasing a rugy ball, representing the daily scrum

The Daily Scrum: What It Is and How Unito Does It

The daily scrum is not when everyone piles into a meeting room to grab a ball. It’s how you keep your team updated on what everyone’s doing. Find out what it is, how it’s done, and how Unito does it.

How to Inspect Element

Inspect Element: How To Change Writing and More on Any Site

Google Chrome’s inspect element feature feels like a superpower once you get a handle on it. Find out how to use it and what you can do with it.

Workflow diagram

Workflow Diagram: What It Is and Why You Need One

Before everyone had a GPS in their pocket, we used maps to get around. Find out how the workflow diagram can be your map for doing your best work.

A pair of glasses, representing SMART goals

SMART Goals: What They Are and How To Create Your Own (With Examples)

Struggling to hit your goals? With SMART goals, you can make sure success is specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound. Learn how you can create your own SMART goals.

Types of Management Styles

5 Management Styles and Their Pros and Cons

How do you help your team get things done? Pick the right option from these management styles to be the leader your team deserves.


End Micromanagement: 6 Signs of Micromanagement (and What To Do Instead)

While micromanagement might feel like good-natured extra diligence — and the best way to keep your team on track — it’s actually a highly toxic workplace issue that will do more harm than good.

A green post it with a lifted corner, representing Scrum

Scrum: A Definition and Some Pointers

Heard the word “Scrum” in a meeting and you’re not sure what it means? Or maybe you’re just curious about how it’s implemented? Find out what Scrum is, how it works, and just who the Scrum Master really is.

A pair of running shoes, representing sprint planning

What Is Sprint Planning and How Is It Done?

The Agile methodology uses sprints, two-week periods where developers crush tasks. But how do developers — and their leaders — figure out what they should focus on each sprint? Find out what sprint planning is, how it works, and get a free template for doing it yourself.

A speedometer, representing the KPI

KPIs: What They Are and Why You Need Them

How do you know that you’re hitting your goals? Sometimes, you need some kind of metric to track progress. That’s what KPIs are for.

puzzle pieces fitting together, representing optimizing the coordinated development workflow

How To Optimize a Coordinated Development Workflow

Your developers need to collaborate closely with the rest of the organization to succeed. But when everyone’s in their own tool, that can be really difficult. Here’s how you can use Unito to optimize your coordinated development workflow, despite the tool differences.