Logos for HubSpot and Unito, representing Unito's HubSpot integration
Sync Hubspot Tickets With Unito’s 30+ Integrations
Logos for HubSpot and Unito, representing Unito's HubSpot integration

Sync Hubspot Tickets With Unito’s 30+ Integrations

HubSpot is one of the most popular platforms for customer relationship management, email marketing, and sales. More than 100,000 companies use HubSpot to manage their customer support, sales, and marketing workflows. With its freemium model, teams only pay for the features they need, when they need them.

But, like many tools, HubSpot can keep customer-facing teams siloed away from their colleagues. That’s because although it’s a great tool for your salespeople or customer success managers, you probably won’t find developers, BizOps, or many other teams in HubSpot. Even marketers will usually supplement it with at least a PM tool.

With Unito’s latest HubSpot tickets integration, you can keep your tickets synced with the rest of your tool stack, so everyone knows what your customer-facing teams are up to.

Keep HubSpot tickets synced with work items from over 30 other tools

One of the biggest problems with even the most useful software tool is that it doesn’t play well with the rest of your stack. When working across multiple tools — as most do — you’re losing a ton of time and effort that’s spent manually copying data over from one tool to the next. While many tools now offer native integrations with other platforms, they don’t always work for all use cases. Some only sync information in one direction, while others still force you to go back and forth between tools to get a complete view of what’s happening.

With Unito’s integration for HubSpot tickets, you can sync high-priority data from HubSpot to the other tools in your stack like Trello, Asana, Google Sheets, or send deals to Airtable, and more. Build a dedicated tickets database in your spreadsheet tool of choice, automatically send escalated tickets to a version control tool, report on tickets in a PM tool, and more. All with one platform.

Because Unito syncs information in both directions by default, you get all the data you need in both tools. Your sales team can get updates from your dev team without leaving Hubspot, and everyone can follow all customer-facing processes without leaving their own tool.

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Essential features for Unito’s HubSpot tickets integration

Field mapping customization

Field mappings are how Unito translates data from one tool to another. Unito’s HubSpot tickets integration automatically maps similar fields to each other, but did you know you can tailor your flows to your use case by customizing your field mappings?

Here are just a few ways you can customize field mappings to your use case:

  • Deleting mappings: By deleting a mapping, you can keep some information from getting synced or re-map a field that’s already been mapped.
  • Changing flow direction: Most fields will have changes synced back and forth by default. That said, you might want some fields — like comments — only going from one tool to the other.
  • Creating new mappings: Missing a field mapping? You can add new mappings in just a few clicks. One common use case for this is populating the description footer in one tool with information from another.

Deep rules

While field mappings tell data where to go, rules restrict what actually gets through. The most common way to use rules with Unito’s HubSpot tickets integration is filtering information so you can control exactly how much of it syncs between tools. Here’s how Unito users like you are using rules in their workflows:

  • Giving visibility to customers: SMG Bahamas, a construction and millwork company, uses rules to pull high-level information from multiple Trello boards and sync it to customer boards. That way, customers can see a summary of how a job is going without all the nitty-gritty details going on behind the scenes. The rules come into play when project managers add a specific tag to their Trello cards.
  • Dispatching development work: The Taproom, an agency that builds Shopify solutions, uses Basecamp to manage agency work and Trello for development work. With rules, Basecamp to-dos specific to developers can get synced to the software team’s Trello boards so they can see their work without the noise.
  • Keeping multiple departments in the know: ALPCO Recycling, which manages residential, commercial, and industrial recycling jobs, uses Trello to handle every part of that work. They use Trello’s labels to categorize jobs and to identify the ones that reach the follow-up stage. Unito’s rules make sure that adding one of these labels sends each Trello card to the right board.

Top tool combinations for Unito’s HubSpot tickets integration

HubSpot and a work hub

Want the ability to run approval workflows and escalate tickets without jumping into a chat tool or sending an email? Use Unito’s HubSpot tickets integration with your leader’s work hub of choice, and you can give them all the information they need without any manual work. Plus, you get all their comments and updates in your tool. Here are some of the top work hub integrations to pair with HubSpot:

HubSpot and a database tool

Build a single, enriched ticket database and leverage your favorite database tool’s reporting, sorting, and filtering features. Here are some of the top database integrations you can pair with HubSpot:

HubSpot and another team’s tools

Want to automate requests for help from other teams, like engineering or finance? How about automatically syncing tickets to a dedicated Slack channel? Here are some of the top tools you can sync with Unito’s HubSpot tickets integration:

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