Meet the Best Zapier Alternative

Zapier can build simple, 1-way, single-field automations. But if you want to create custom, 2-way workflows that cover additional fields and use cases in real-time, Unito is your best alternative to Zapier.

How we compare
Ease of use Easy Easy
Sync and automation 1-way 2-way
Customizability Moderate
(Per zap/per field)
Historical syncing no Yes
Subtasks, Comments, Attachments no Yes
Live training no Yes
Set up efficiency Many zaps per workflow Simple, no-code
Onboarding time Hours Minutes
Integrations thousands 50
Update time 1 minute 1 minute
50,000 tasks Unlimited

Note: this is a comparison between Unito's Pro plan and Zapier's Team plan. Learn more on our pricing page.

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Flows vs. Zaps

Zapier supports traditional, 1-way automation. Each Zap represents one trigger causing one action. Unito's 2-way flows enable genuine collaboration between teams. A single flow can contain multiple rules, automations, custom field mapping, and so much more. Not to mention the cost! As you can see above, Unito is a much cheaper Zapier alternative.

Depth vs. breadth

There are compatible zaps for over 1,500 tools. Each is a simple, 1-way, 1-field integration. Unito's integrations go deeper to include work items such as tasks, contacts, calendars, spreadsheets, deals, opportunities and more. You can also map fields to include comments, attachments, subtasks, or custom fields. Each flow supports historical data syncing.

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Use case: Building a single source of truth

Imagine you have work stored in multiple tools that you want to consolidate into a single view. Say you want to get tasks from three Asana projects into a single Trello Board. You need to capture all essential information from Asana tasks within Trello cards and keep both tools in sync so you don't have to jump back and forth between them.

Here's what this type of setup would require in Unito and in Zapier:

Zaps required: 30+
Setup time: 2+ hours

Total flows: 3
Setup time: 30 minutes

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