Search Results for: communication skills

A bar graph on a board, representing the progress report

How To Write a Progress Report (With a Free Template)

A progress report is how you let everyone else know what your team’s been up to. Learn more about what goes into writing a progress report and get a free template for writing your own.

A green post it with a lifted corner, representing Scrum

Scrum: A Definition and Some Pointers

Heard the word “Scrum” in a meeting and you’re not sure what it means? Or maybe you’re just curious about how it’s implemented? Find out what Scrum is, how it works, and just who the Scrum Master really is.

A computer monitor surrounded by symbols for chat, income, and statistics, representing CRM software.

What Is CRM Software and Which One Should You Use?

We’re way past the time of the Rolodex. So how do today’s teams keep track customer information? They use CRM software.

A speedometer, representing the KPI

KPIs: What They Are and Why You Need Them

How do you know that you’re hitting your goals? Sometimes, you need some kind of metric to track progress. That’s what KPIs are for.

puzzle pieces fitting together, representing optimizing the coordinated development workflow

How To Optimize a Coordinated Development Workflow

Your developers need to collaborate closely with the rest of the organization to succeed. But when everyone’s in their own tool, that can be really difficult. Here’s how you can use Unito to optimize your coordinated development workflow, despite the tool differences.

A vending machine, representing vendor management

What is Vendor Management?

All companies depend on vendors; providers who fill a certain need. Restaurants need suppliers for their ingredients like tech companies often rely on vendors for their infrastructure. Find out how these relationships can be managed.

An arrow hitting a bullseye, representing new year's resolutions for project managers

How To Use a Project Management Tool To Actually Stick To Your Resolutions

The decorations are all gone and the turkey is too. Time to look ahead and figure out your resolutions. Want to actually stick to them this year? Here’s how your project management tool can help you do that.

A looking glass and a finger cursor, representing a workflow audit

How to Perform a Workflow Audit

How do you know when a workflow isn’t working right, and what can you do about it? Perform a workflow audit, and reap the rewards. Find out how (and when) you can audit your workflows.

A pair of chat bubbles, representing an interview on product manager jobs

6 PMs on How They Got Their First Product Manager Jobs (and How You Can Too)

“How to get started?” is probably the single most popular question asked about any role. Whether you’re considering a career switch or are fresh out of school, you’re here to learn how people land their first product manager jobs. We asked six product managers to tell us how it’s done.

Julie Jeanotte, OfficeVibe

Officevibe’s Julie Jeannotte on Improving Collaboration with Relational Intelligence

Officevibe’s Julie Jeannotte, in her role as Employee Engagement Expert and Lead Researcher, has found the right formula for improving remote collaboration, and it relies on relational intelligence.

What is project management?

What is Project Management? A Guide for Beginners

If someone asked you, “What is project management?”, would you find it easy to answer? Of course it’s about managing projects but what exactly does that entail?