Stay in sync with 2-way integrations
Unito syncs contacts back and forth between Google Contacts and your other tools out-of-the-box.
Establish deep two-way workflows between the apps and tools you use. Unito syncs contacts back and forth between Google Contacts and your other work software based on simple rules and filters set by you.
Unito syncs contacts back and forth between Google Contacts and your other tools out-of-the-box.
Unito doesn't just sync new data, it also gives you the option to sync all historical data that matches your rules.
Control how your information syncs and where it goes with fully configurable rules that let you separate the data you need from the data you don't.
"Through our partnership with Unito, we’ve opened up new avenues to our customers to integrate, align their teams, and customize all workflows for their needs."
"The most tangible result of using Unito is greater productivity. We bring more value to our clients because we're not eating budgeted time copying and pasting updates."
Contact fields |
City |
Company |
Country |
Created at |
Department |
Email address |
Street address line 2 |
First name |
Job title |
Label |
Last name |
Phone number |
Po box |
Postal code |
Province/state |
Street address |
Url |
Website |
See everything Unito's Google Contacts integration can do in the Unito Help Center.