Asana GitHub integration visual
Webinar: Assigning GitHub Issues from Asana
Asana GitHub integration visual

Webinar: Assigning GitHub Issues from Asana

GitHub is made for software developers, which makes it challenging for non-technical teammates in Asana to jump in and review progress or submit requests. So how can a team in Asana collaborate with a team in GitHub to complete shared projects?

Unito’s two-way integration solves this with code-free automation to send the details of individual GitHub issues directly into Asana tasks and back. Business users can then track progress in GitHub from Asana, while developers continue uninterrupted without having to manually share updates in another app.

Here’s how to get your tasks and issues in sync

Watch product specialists Fanny Laveau and Mariah Moore as they demonstrate a two-way sync between Asana tasks and GitHub issues that will help you:

  • Extend visibility on dev work to non-technical stakeholders operating in Asana;
  • Improve cross-functional collaboration on projects between software teams and everyone else;
  • Centralize development work between multiple GitHub repositories to a single master project.
Watch the full length webinar here, or key selections below!

Why sync GitHub with Asana?

Because no one should be forced to work with a tool they don’t really need.

Developers shouldn’t have to jump back and forth between a tool that handles the vast majority of their work and a tool they occasionally have to check for project-critical updates. Likewise, other teams that rely on that development work shouldn’t have to make sense of GitHub repositories, branches, and everything else that’s going on in GitHub.

Using a two-way sync solution like Unito is the best way to get the best of both tools without forcing anyone to bridge the gap with a ton of manual work. With this integration, GitHub issues automatically become Asana tasks, and vice-versa. Even better, any updates made in one tool will be synced to the other. That means you can keep an eye on GitHub work from Asana, without forcing endless copy-pasting work on anybody.

The alternatives are:

  • Forcing one team to use the other team’s tool.
  • Having people constantly copy and paste updates from one tool to another.
  • Lose visibility on the work happening across tools.

Now, let’s dive into how you can do this for your teams.

Who should sync GitHub with Asana?

Anyone who needs to work with both of these tools.

GitHub is built with a very specific purpose in mind; helping software teams work on software projects concurrently, without worrying about tracking changes themselves. It’s a great tool for agile teams that want to move quickly and break things. With its project management features, it’s also a solid platform for team leads who want to check in on development work.

But does that make it the best tool for everyone?

As a dedicated project management tool, Asana is a favorite for all sorts of teams. Its customizable views make it flexible enough for various projects, and its reasonable learning curve makes team-wide adoption a breeze. But it’s not purpose-built for software teams, so it’s not perfectly suited to their needs.

That means tons of organizations have to find some way to bridge the gap between Asana and GitHub. If that sounds like something you need to deal with, then you need an integration that keeps these tools in sync.

About Unito

Unito takes you beyond tedious one-way automation platforms with a two-way integration that covers more use cases, syncs more fields, and updates tasks and issues in real time. A simple, no-code interface enables anyone on your team to build a customizable, automated, two-way workflow in no time.